Friday, January 9, 2009


as i hinted earlier, the number two holds some special meaning to me today. today is my baby's 2nd birthday. there is no way that she is two. she was just born. i remember the day she was born so vividly. i was at work (yes, i literally worked up until the moment I had her)... i went to my normal weekly dr's appointments, to which my wonderful doctor told me, "today seems like a good day to have a baby, you are 5 centimeters. go home, get your bag and your husband and get back up here". I was 3 weeks early. so, i called my hubby, who was as shocked as i was, and the race was on. he met me at home, we had to call my dad and tell him to come home from work to watch Aubrey, and my mom met us at the hospital. i checked in at 1:45 pm. at 3 pm, they gave me an epidural (which did not work) and i felt every contraction. at 5pm, i started pushing. at 5:16 Ava Jo was born... i remember every detail of that moment. my doctor was wearing a pink dress shirt and tie (pretty fitting for my baby girl) and the govenator was on TV giving his state of the state address. i was quickly shown ava, and then they rushed her to see the NIC doctors. she had some breathing issues, which i wasn't aware of. my mom stayed with me, and my hubby went with our baby. she is perfectly healthy now. she hasn't stopped making me smile, but she has made my hair turn prematurely gray. she is a dare devil, a mountain goat and evil kenevil rolled into one adorable little girl.

happy birthday to my sweet "baby"

1 comment:

Lucinda said...

Happy Birthday AVA!!!!