Sunday, January 11, 2009


i had every intention of making a post last night... and then exhaustion set in. through the week, i have to get up at 4 am, get myself ready and leave the house at 5:15ish to make it to work at 6. i get off at 3, come home and then be "mom" til 8 pm. then i normally get things ready for the next day, and go to bed around 10pm. exhaustion caught up with me last night. i can't really even tell you what time I fell asleep, i think it was close to 7:30. there has never been a time that i haven't put aubrey to bed, but i didn't last night. i was out cold. i felt like i was getting sick. i am still all achy. i feel like i went 3 rounds with randy couture (except my ears aren't all ugly). but i am up. ready to be super hero mom today. groceries have to get bought, household necessities have to be bought, kids have to be fed, bathed, fed, house needs to be cleaned... scratch all of that, maybe i should go back to bed...

1 comment:

MamaGord said...

hope you are feeling better :)