Friday, January 9, 2009

not my fault...

yes, it looks like i have already failed at my attempts to make a post a day, but.... it wasn't my fault! it was a very busy evening, and when i got home from running all my errands, my husband was uploading about 45 CD's to itunes... and trust me, that took all night. SO, in order to make up for it, there will be 2 count them, one... two.... posts today. the number 2 is pretty important today, but I will let you figure that out with the second post later this evening :)


Elissa L. said...

sign up for you can call in a blog post! Saved me last year with my daily posts!!!

MamaGord said...

you have missed a day now you must pay. . . you must give me Edward.


Cheyenne said...

NEVER EMILY!!! OVER MY COLD DEAD BODY :)I will figure out how to do it on my blackberry!!!