Friday, January 2, 2009

a loss for words.

for those who really know me, you know that you would have a better chance of winning the lottery than me being at a loss for words. but here i sit, day 2 of my 365, without a thing to write about. sure, i have SCADS to say, but really, who wants to hear about my boring day at work, about how chilly it is outside, or the fact that i am once again, watching max & ruby thinking to myself what a brat max is (only parents of cartoon aged children would know about max & ruby). i use to think that i had a way with words... i wanted to grow up and write hallmark cards. i could make people cry with the words that came from my head and my heart. i could make a person who was on the verge of crying, laugh hysterically by my quick wit. but apparently, with the deadline of "a post a day" creeping up on me, i am at a loss. ugh, i hope it gets better on day 3.

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