Saturday, January 3, 2009

slightly obsessed.

when i was searching for books to read before my hand surgery, i was peer pressured into buying twilight. now usually, i am not one to succumb to peer pressure. i was after all, a DARE outstanding student, i learned to JUST SAY NO... but, i was a vampire lover from way back (slightly obsessed with Buffy, so much so that we named our dog Spike)so i gave in. as i laid in bed, i chuckled, wondering what all the hubub was about... after reading it, lemme change that statement to hubba hubba. i am a fan. wait, let me rephrase that. i am more than a fan. i am contemplating changing my last name to Cullen. i am ready to sit in a dark house, on a gloomy day, with my plastic fangs and ride in a shiny volvo. its quite silly actually, a 31 year old obsessed with a 17 year old vampire. but i am. i don't drink (too much) i don't smoke, give me SOME vice! i will have to say that my husband is taking my new found obsession in great stride... he bought me the books, two shirts, and is taking me out for dinner and then to see the movie tonight... i can't wait. im anxiously counting down the hours until i can see edward on the big screen. i bet my husband would draw the line at me sprinkling glitter on him. drats.


Elissa L. said...

it sounds like it might be a date, but can I come too? I can be there in 2 hours!

MamaGord said...

You could always ask ;)