Saturday, December 20, 2008

merry christmas.

this christmas season, i have truly seen some christmas miracles. as most of you know, i have recently had surgery on my hand, and i was quite worried that i would never be able to pick up a camera again. i'm not gonna lie, it hurts to pick it up, but with therapy, and with time, it should get easier.

my brother made it home from iraq, on r&r, just in time to celebrate christmas with his wife and son. my parents flew back to spend the weekend with him, and if i know my mom, she spent the entire weekend just looking at my brother. please keep the soldiers in your prayers this holiday season. many of them are sleeping on cots, in the middle of the desert this christmas. please remember that and please pray that they all make it home to celebrate another christmas with their loved ones.

the girls are SOOOOOO in the christmas spirit. aubrey is planning on singing at church tomorrow, which should be interesting, and ava can't wait to rip into the presents.

i think the greatest miracle i have seen, is that in spite all the economic woes going on, there is still the spirit of christmas in everyones heart. i can see it on the faces of children and parents alike. i can see it in the gleam of the mall santa's eyes. i can taste it in every batch of fudge that is made. and i can see it in my daughters hearts.

merry christmas everyone. and God bless us all.

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