Friday, August 15, 2008

happy birthday donavon!!!

wow, i can't believe 10 years ago my nephew was born. he was born at around 4 lbs. he was a tiny little thing, i like to say he resembled a little spider monkey. but, he was perfect. he was gorgeous. i remember my brother said his hair was "crinkley" when he was born.

i remember his little laugh when he was a toddler. how he would crack up while he "tried" to sneak up on you, except you heard him laugh for 10 minutes before he could manage to say "boo".

i remember teaching him to tie his shoes and him telling me "auntie, you need to have patience"

and now, he is a little man. he is a handsome little man. he is a strong little man. he is the man of the house, while his father is in Iraq.

donavon, we love you! hope you have a wonderful birthday!

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