Tuesday, August 19, 2008

happy birthday big brother...

today is my big brother's 35th birthday. its just a few days after his sons birthday (as you can tell from the previous post). my brother doesn't get to have a fun filled party today. he is stationed in iraq. i can't even call him to wish him a happy birthday. i don't get to sing off key to him. i just have to hope that his birthday package made it to him on time.

my brother and i have always been pretty good friends. now, don't get me wrong, there have been times where i have wanted to strangle him, or throw his GI JOE'S in the trash after he hit the whiffle ball right at my face, but all in all, we have always got along. i always envied my brother. he was the popular guy in school, played every sport imaginable and rocked at every sport, didn't have to wear glasses or braces.... to me, he was everything. he still is everything. he still is someone i look up to. he still is someone i strive to be like daily. he is a strong soldier who keeps me and my family safe at night.

doyle, i hope you have as good a birthday as you can have... we all love you, pray for you every night, and can't wait to see you!!!

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