Wednesday, May 7, 2008

woe is me....

i have two little girls that are sick with colds...
i have been getting nothing but snot laced kisses for two days now...
mama woke up with a WICKED cold this morning....
our computer died on monday....
i have been without the internet for 2 whole days now....
my sweet sweet husband was on the phone with tech support for 4 hours last night with no happy ending, he came to bed defeated....
i had to drag my sorry behind to work today, sicker than a dog, so i could get my internet fix...

calgon, take me away!!!!

1 comment:

umami photography said...

I hear you on the "Calgon take me away." Did they play those commercials during prime time or was it just during soap operas? :)
love your new necklace btw.