this has been a rough winter. and by "rough", i mean up to our ears in snot filled kleenex, fevers so high we see butterflies, a cough that can rattle your chest, even if you aren't the one coughing.... 4 rounds of bronchitis, 2 rounds of pneumonia, various other viral/bacterial infections later we say "hasta la vista winter"
i am a total winter girl. i love everything about it. the chill in the air, the gray days, the nights watching movies in front of a fire, but i am sick to death of the sickies that have over taken our house. they have robbed me of my "winter". curse you germs.
i use to dread daylight savings. i didn't like the sun to be out so late. but this year, i welcome it. i welcome spring. my family needs spring. we need to get over this gunk that winter has given us. so, to celebrate spring, i took my "healthy" family out for a quick photoshoot at bebe & papa's house. in 20 minutes, we got some pretty cute pics, lots of laughs, a few sprained muscles, and lots of sticky kisses (thanks to see's lollipops)
btw, the next day the "healthy" 5 year old woke up with 102.7 fever, screaming her throat hurts... double ear infection and some sort of infection in her throat. well, i guess its not really the "first day of spring" yet...
Adorable! Hope the sickies get better and are not sick again for a long long time. The Phi doesn't get sick too often but I feel like she has had a cough for like 3 months straight! Oh and I love the location for this shoot. hint hint
ha ha ha! Its my mom and dad's house! I think we can rock it there :)
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