Sunday, September 14, 2008

you thought you knew...

i saw this when I was following scarlett lillian's blog. i thought it looked fun, and since i am still proofing pictures, i don't have any to offer up right now. so, here i am...

I AM … klutzy
I WANT… a new lens
I HAVE … a shoe addiction
I KEEP … plucking all the gray hairs out of my head (im soon going to be a bald 31 year old)
I WISH I COULD … be a stay at home mom
I HATE … freddy krueger
I FEAR … leaving my children too soon
I HEAR … my kids laughter... even when its quiet. its "my happy thought"
I DON’T THINK …. there is any problem that a bowl of ice cream and some hershey's syrup can't solve
I REGRET … not going to cosmetology school
I LOVE … my family
I AM NOT … a size 2, nor will EVER be
I DANCE … with my girls
I SING … pretty good actually
I NEVER … say the word "never"
I RARELY … eat healthy
I CRY WHEN I WATCH … everything. honestly, when i watch a disney movie, action movie, tv shows, soap operas heck, even commercials!
I AM NOT ALWAYS … in a happy mood
I HATE THAT … i have to work instead of being a stay at home mom
I’M CONFUSED ABOUT … why our troops are still over seas. please bring them home soon
I NEED … nothing
I SHOULD … be going to sleep soon. 4 am comes awfully early