aubrey grace has always been an overachiever. she was born 2 weeks early (thank GOD because she was 9 lbs 1 oz) she got her first tooth at 3 months, she knew her ABC's and could sing the song in tune before she could even walk, she has never been on a growth chart, always been taller than the rest, so it was no surprise to us that she would lose her first tooth at 4 1/2 years old. what was a surprise however, was how hard it was going to affect me.
my baby, my first born daughter is growing up. apparently whether i like it or not.
i am so proud of my growing daughter. she brings me such joy. the spirit inside of her amazes me. she is such a people person and genuinely cares for all around her. i love that she loves to sing on the top of her lungs. i love that she thinks she can speak "fish". i love that she has to sleep with her 2 "ni nights", pink puppy dog, red bear, blue bear, ellie and two flashlights, and if she doesn't have one of those, she won't sleep. i love that she wants to make me feel better. i love that she gets excited when we go shopping together. i love that she knows Jesus was a carpenter. i love that she now poses for me when i bring the camera out.
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